Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park

Uganda National Parks: Exploring the Beauty of Murchison Falls National Park

Uganda, also known as the Pearl of Africa, is home to some of the most beautiful and diverse national parks in the world. One such park is the Murchison Falls National Park, located in northwestern Uganda. The park covers an area of 3,840 square kilometers and is named after the Murchison Falls, one of the most powerful waterfalls in the world. In this article, we will explore the beauty of Murchison Falls National Park and why it should be on your travel bucket list.


Murchison Falls National Park is known for its diverse wildlife, making it a popular destination for safari enthusiasts. The park is home to over 76 mammal species, including elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes, and many more. Visitors can also spot chimpanzees and other primates in the park’s Budongo Forest Reserve.

The park is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 450 bird species, making it one of the best places in the world for birdwatching. The shoebill stork, one of the rarest birds in Africa, can be spotted in the park’s wetlands.


Murchison Falls National Park offers some of the most stunning scenery in Uganda. The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which flows through the park, creating a beautiful landscape of riverine forest, savannah grasslands, and woodlands. The highlight of the park is the Murchison Falls, where the Victoria Nile plunges 43 meters into the Nile River, creating a spectacular waterfall.

Visitors can take a boat cruise on the Victoria Nile to the bottom of the falls, providing a unique vantage point to experience the power and beauty of the falls. The park also offers guided walks to the top of the falls, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.


Murchison Falls National Park offers a variety of activities for visitors, including game drives, boat safaris, birdwatching, and guided walks. Game drives are the most popular activity in the park, allowing visitors to explore the park’s wildlife and scenery. The best time for game drives is early morning or late afternoon when animals are most active.

Boat safaris provide a unique opportunity to explore the park from a different perspective, cruising down the Victoria Nile, and spotting wildlife along the riverbanks. Visitors can also take a guided nature walk in the park’s Budongo Forest Reserve, home to chimpanzees, and other primates.


Murchison Falls National Park offers a range of accommodation options for visitors, from luxury lodges to budget campsites. The park’s lodges offer a high level of comfort and luxury, with amenities such as swimming pools, restaurants, and spa facilities.

Budget travelers can stay at one of the park’s campsites, which offer basic facilities such as shared bathrooms and cooking facilities. There are also mid-range lodges and campsites available, providing a balance between comfort and affordability.

How to Get There.

Murchison Falls National Park is located approximately 305 kilometers north of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The park can be accessed by road or air. Visitors can take a domestic flight from Entebbe International Airport to Pakuba Airstrip, located in the park’s southern sector.

Alternatively, visitors can drive to the park from Kampala, a journey that takes approximately six hours. The park can be accessed through the northern and southern gates, with the northern gate being the most popular entry point.

In conclusion, Murchison Falls National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Uganda. The park offers a unique combination of wildlife , scenery, and activities, making it a perfect destination for safari enthusiasts, nature lovers, and adventure seekers. Whether you’re looking to spot the Big Five or experience the power and beauty of one of the world’s most powerful waterfalls, Murchison Falls National Park has something for everyone.

When planning your trip to Murchison Falls National Park, it’s important to consider the best time to visit. The park is open year-round, but the best time to visit is during the dry season, which runs from December to February and June to September. During this time, wildlife is more concentrated around water sources, making it easier to spot them during game drives and boat safaris.

It’s also important to plan your visit in advance, especially if you’re looking to stay at one of the park’s lodges or campsites. Accommodation can book up quickly during peak season, so it’s best to book in advance to avoid disappointment.

In summary, Murchison Falls National Park is a jewel in Uganda’s crown, offering visitors a unique blend of wildlife, scenery, and activities. Whether you’re a seasoned safari enthusiast or a first-time visitor to Uganda, a trip to Murchison Falls National Park is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. So, pack your bags and head to Uganda for an unforgettable adventure in Murchison Falls National Park.


Park entrance  $          45  $          35  UGX   25,000
Game Drive (Day)  $          30  $          25  UGX     30,000
Game Drive (Night) Per Person  $          40  $          35  UGX     40,000
Launch trip to bottom of falls  $          30  $          25  UGX     30,000
Hiking to Top of Falls  $          15  $          10  UGX     10,000
Viewing Top of the Falls  $          10  $          10  UGX     10,000
Viewing Top of the Falls for Tertiary Institutions/ Universities N/A N/A  UGX        5,000
Viewing Top of the Falls for Secondary Students N/A N/A  UGX        2,000
Viewing Top of the Falls for Wildlife Clubs & Pupils N/A N/A  FREE
Sport fishing per day  $          50  $          50  $                    50
White Water Rafting  $          50  $          50 UGX 50,000
Bird Watching  $          30  $          25 UGX 20,000
Murchison Falls National Park Logo

Park fees